Facial hair removal has become a very popular procedure all over the world. When unwanted hair is on the face, you have to be even more careful about the type of treatment used and take into consideration the overall efficacy and possible side effects of the treatment.
Sugaring is an ancient method of hair removal thousands of years old (used in ancient Egypt!) but has only recently become popular in Western culture. Many regard sugaring as a more natural – and therefore safer – approach to facial hair removal. Sugaring is used in much the same way as traditional waxing for removing unwanted hair. Although a wax version is available and is used similarly, the traditional sugaring formula is a paste made of sugar and water.
No matter how “natural” they claim to be, waxes must contain various resins, chemicals, and preservatives to perform, whereas sugaring contains only a few basic ingredients.
Sugarcane’s natural alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) content makes sugaring a refining and a moisturizing hair removal method, which is known to improve skin texture and tone of the face.
By pulling in the direction of hair growth, sugaring helps to eliminate and prevent ingrown hair. It is less painful than traditional waxing and threading.
Unlike traditional hot-waxing treatments, sugaring will not burn the skin and can be reapplied to catch missing hairs without irritation. It is also hypoallergenic and water-soluble, which makes for easy cleanup. See you soon at Sugaring NYC.
If you have very sensitive skin, the type that can become irritated by the slightest touch, face sugaring is definitely the best option for you. Not only is sugaring a more gentle, 100% organic way to remove hair, there is generally less redness and irritation associated with it, making it great for people who might have sensitive skin or allergy-prone skin.
Moreover, regular wax is heated to an extremely high temperature, and it can absolutely burn the skin, especially in sensitive areas. Face sugaring is a more gentle method of hair removal because the paste does not adhere to the skin—it only attaches to the hair. This minimizes the amount of irritation to the area and pain during the process. The sugar paste is also more malleable than hard wax, which allows it to get all the way down to the root. This makes it less likely to break hair at the surface.
Face sugaring comes with a range of short- and long-term benefits, and is suited for all skin types and hair textures.
Our sugar paste is safe for your skin and helps your hair grow 50% less. Sugar Waxing is a form of semi-permanent hair removal that removes hair from the root. New hair will not grow back in the previously waxed area for two to eight weeks, although some people will experience regrowth within a week. Almost any area of the body can be sugared, including eyebrows, face, pubic area, legs, arms, back, abdomen, and feet.
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